Animation - Money making business

I find most of the people who dont have any skill or brains to study other courses, or simply dont fit anywhere just drop in to study animation...thinking as if, anyone can do these courses and make a career out of it.Many a times i do hear a lot of complaints and lot of questions being raised from the students side, about the quality of education and expertise of the faculties in animation institutes.

Yes, in the business point of view the students are not being filtered properly before getting in to the course by the institute managements.But how many of the students come in with the attitude of learning and doing something in their career?How many of them have seen a single animation film in their life? How many of them are really passionate about the art of animation? My observation is those kind of students are very less in numbers.Rest of them come in thinking, that animation is the next boom, and we are going to make a lot of money out of it.

Sadly many animation institutes dont have the proper set-up, and learning methodologies, and talented professionals to teach the subjects.and the worst thing is these Animation institutes portray the field of animation in such light, and alluring lot of fools...and those fools go in, spend a lot of money, and time, learn nothing and comeout carrying a certificate and then start ruining the animation industry in india which is still in its early stages.And at this rate india will always be in its intial stage as far as animation education is concerned.

The mentality of the students should change, they should come to learn, NOT FOR MONEY, BUT TO LEARN AND MASTER THE ART OF ANIMATION.If that changes automatically the animation institutes will have to change their strategies and start delivering quality education...

Thank god i am a fine artist, and anytime i can go back to my paintings and art galleries.


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